
3 ticket prices, you choose what you can, what you wish !
3€: Use code promo MINI
7€: Use code promo NORMAL
15€: Use code promo SOLIDAIR*
*The SOLIDAIR rate is a support to artistic creation during this health crisis.
**Program available on April 15 at 8pm (Central Europe Time) for 24 hours

A, my name is…: Stefanie Nelson Dance Group (US/IT)  40min

The title, A, MY NAME IS…, refers to a children’s alphabet rhyming game designed to coordinate physical and verbal skills. New York-based Nelson tells a story of memory and forgetting in a dance featuring three female performers in different stages of life. This multidisciplinary piece is a playful exploration into the absurdity of memory loss.
Concept / Choreography / Set Design / Costumes: Stefanie Nelson Performers: Christine Bonansea, Becca Loevy, Cristiano Fabbri, Elisa D’Amico  Music: Sahand Rahbar (Iran/Canada) and Jonah Kreitner (US)


L280: Puntos de partida (SP/MX/FR/CA) 36min

The work L 280; I build a house to fly, bringing together 6 dancers from different disciplines with the aim of representing, reconstructing the body and the stage. Through an improvisation structure they play to create architectures, analogies and symbols to expose the different “corners” of our house-body. Shaping identity, creating space, evoking memory and recognizing ourselves through every-time we perform.
Direction & choreography: José David Cerda Interpretations & co-creation: María Paz Marciano, Julie Tartaglia, Coralie Arnoult, Andrea Canela, Diego Garrido y Sylvain Ludovico Music: Puntos De Partida